Flood emergency aid from ETA Heiztechnik GmbH

The reports about the floods of the century have motivated us to support our customers in the renovation of flood damage.

Flood emergency aid from ETA Heiztechnik GmbH

ETA Heiztechnik waives travel costs and ensures a 15% discount on all spare parts that need to be replaced after the flood.(only for repairs by ETA customer service!)

For irreparable damage that requires the new purchase of a complete heating system, you get a a one-off flat-rate rebate of 700.00 EUR (incl. VAT.) per boiler. The damage must first be examined by ETA customer service or documented by a confirmation of the municipality.

You can find out more details from the ETA customer service department - Ph. +43 (0) 7734 / 2288-700, fax +43 (0) 7734 / 2288-9700, email: kundendienst@eta.co.at   
