Pegasus 2010 in Gold for ETA Heiztechnik

This year, the most important economic prize of Upper Austria, the Pegasus, in the category of "50 to 249 employees" is awarded in GOLD to ETA Heiztechnik in Hofkirchen and was presented to the smiling victors in the context of a celebratory gala at the Brucknerhaus in Linz on Thursday, 10 June.


330 companies were hoping for a Gold, Silver or Bronze award. ETA Heiztechnik can be justifiably proud of winning the Pegasus in Gold in one of the main categories.
Not only did the dynamic development play a role in the jury's decision, but also balance sheet figures, the successful company concept and of course the business model itself. "We have a high development depth, but not such a high production depth. We only produce the critical components ourselves", directors Ing. Helmut Orgler and DI Ferdinand Tischler were happy to report. They brought along employees to the award ceremony in order to also document the well-functioning working climate. Off the shelf technology is allocated to local suppliers. On the one hand, this allows ETA to ride out market fluctuation, and on the other this leaves more capacity for research and development.

ETA is a trendsetter in the sector
The ETA team rightly sees itself as the trendsetter in wood boilers. A milestone in pellet technology was set with a system which combined all components of the boiler room in the boiler itself. The PelletsUnit (for which ETA was already awarded the "Energie Genie" at the Energiesparmesse) has had a very warm reception for new buildings and has become the biggest seller of the boiler manufacturer from Hofkirchen. Already in 2007 the biomass heating manufacturer received the Pegasus in Silver and is now one of Upper Austria's leading companies. ETA Heiztechnik GmbH was founded in 1998 and now already employs 120 staff and has an annual turnover of 63 million EUR - a worthy winner of the Pegasus in Gold. At the start of June this year, the opening of the new company building was celebrated, which ensures the continued development of future-oriented biomass technology.

ETA is an all-round provider in the boiler room

The future potential for split logs, wood chips and pellet heating is huge. More and more people are relying on the supply security of the renewable energy source. Not only was the quality of the ETA products underscored with the award in GOLD, but also the competence and trustworthiness of the employees of the top Hofkirchen company. "Renewable energy sources are a concern for people who are environmentally-conscious, this is the only way to explain that Upper Austrian companies received recognition in the sector from economic prizes", both directors Ing. Orgler and DI Tischler are pleased to announce.

Images: Upper Austrian Nes/Weihbold

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